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Tips on how to advertise your caravan

There are a few simple steps you can take to promote your Caravan more effectively and to attract more potential clients, which in turn means more bookings for your Static Caravan.

Firstly the most cost effective way is to promote your caravan on online sites dedicated to Caravan Rentals. Obviously we are biased and would recommend '' you can even try the site out so you can advertise your caravan for free for the first six months so you literally have nothing to lose. However failing that there are plenty of others to choose from and all have their own merits. This is still a more cost effective way rather than paying substancial amounts of money to magazines which have a lower target audience and a limited time scale in which to display your advert.

The Description

Lets get down to business. You need to collate all the details for your caravan. Try to be comprehensive in all the details of your caravan including smaller items i.e. Microwave, TV, DVD, bedding etc. All the things you would deem important to a family etc who are spending a week in your caravan and would would make their holiday that little bit easier. You'll be surprised how a few more home comforts will 'swing the deal' and get you that booking.

It goes without saying that the location of the Caravan is a BIG selling point and is something which really needs to be promoted when writing a description. Instead putting 'Our caravan is situated in Haven Seashore Holiday Park next to the amenties try to be more dynamic and descriptive i.e. 'Our Caravan is ideally situated offering commanding views of the Norfolk area whilst offering all the fabulous amenities

of the Park area which include a heated outdoor pool, mini golf course, fantastic bouncy castle and a superb play area. All guaranteed to entertain the kids for hours'. You can see how you can sell the location by using a few adjectives to make it sound more exciting. Apply the exact same principal when describing your caravan. Remember accentuate the positive!

The Photographs

A picture tells a thousand words. Remember the picture or pictures of your caravan are the FIRST thing a potential customer will see. A dull grainy picture of your caravan will be an instant 'put off' to anybody. If your don't devote any time or effort in to taking some professional looking shots of your pride and joy then don't bother. However here are some points you must consider when taking photographs of your static caravan

Always try to take photographs on a bright sunny day (easier said in British summer time)

When taking a photo try having the light source behind you.

Avoid shadows engulfing your subject matter

Wide angle. If possible take photos with a wide angle lens especially for interior shots (it will make the rooms more spacious)

Avoid taking shots with a low quality camera phone. You need to be using a decent camera with at least 5 million pixels

Take the photo on the highest resolution as possible. You can always edit and downgrade the resolution at a later stage

Less is more. Only include photos that do your caravan justice better to have 2 or 3 good photographs than 6 or 7 average ones

Get rid of clutter. Nothing worse than clothes, personal effects etc scattered everywhere

Does the caravan look clean? An obvious one but would you want to see unmade beds and dirty dishes?

If you follow most of these principles than you will stand a good change to standing in an already competitive marketplace, so it really will pay dividends if your caravan description and photographs are of a professional standard. Good luck Read more

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